FullCircle Registry, Inc. provides a state-of-the-art system to digitally store and retrieve critical and important documents. Through the use of coded customer IDs' and PINs', the system is designed to allow medical personnel to quickly obtain critical information about our customers' special medical needs, wishes and emergency contact information as well as provide critical child photo and identification information for missing children.

The system also serves as an "Digital Safe Deposit Box" with additional password protection for customer storage of other important documents or information.

Lux Capital is a Manhattan based venture capital firm focused on identifying and building early-stage technology businesses.

Lux aggressively seeks defensible investment opportunities in the information technology and nanotechnology industries. Lux has strong ties to and maintains a focus of sourcing deals from leading research-driven universities.

URtown is a developmental stage e-commerce service broker.  URtown will offer consumers a membership package providing access to millions of products through URtown's four phase program--URstore,  URmegastore, URmall and URmerchants.  The Company's services will be marketed through a national network of independent sales representatives.

This document is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell securities. 
Such can only be made by prospectus and none is given at this time.